The Secret Behind Chandrayaan 3 Instrument Off shocking Situation

We all know Chandrayaan 3 was successful, but few people are aware that one of the rover’s sensors temporarily went black on August 25, which was two days after Vikram’s Moon landing and the launch of the rover Pragyan. Santosh Vadawale, the principal investigator for the rover, stated that the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS) had shut down. “The cause of this was a rover safety feature that was implemented too late, according to an investigation. He said that doing so mistakenly disabled the APXS’s command. After the problem was quickly resolved, the instrument successfully performed in-situ study of the Moon’s rocks and soil.

Santosh Vadawale, a member of the Chandrayaan 3 scientific team declared:

Santosh Vadawale, a member of the Chandrayaan 3 scientific team, declared categorically that the Vikram lander and Pragyan rover were never intended to awaken.

Vadawale denied claims that Chandrayaan 3 was not a “complete success” since Vikram and Pragyan did not awaken at the start of the second lunar day on September 22. Vadawale works at Isro’s Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad. He reiterated that the operation was a full success and said that they were not intended to awaken. In his presentation on “Roaming on the Moon” at TIFR on Thursday, he said that the Chandrayaan 3 payloads had produced “excellent scientific data” and the APXS had produced “fantastic information,” both of which were currently being thoroughly analyzed.

Also Read: Chandrayan3 set to land on moon best of luck.

Chandrayaan 3

Inquiry revealed by primary investigator :

According to a Times of India (TOI) story, the instrument had shut off, according to Santosh Vadawale, the primary investigator. “An inquiry revealed that the reason for this was a rover safety factor that was added too late. This unintentionally turned off the APXS’s command, according to Vadawale, who was quoted by TOI. The error was quickly repaired, though, and the device was able to carry out its task of examining the rocks and soil of the Moon.

Vadawale said that the Vikram lander and Pragyan rover were never intended to awaken from their “sleep” while discussing the present state of the Chandrayaan 3 program. Vadawale is employed at the Physical Research Laboratory of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in Ahmedabad.

He denied all assertions that Chandrayaan 3 was not a “complete success” since the Vikram lander and Pragyan rover failed to awaken after the start of the lunar day on September 22.

On July 14, Chandrayaan-3, the third lunar mission from ISRO, was launched from Sriharikota’s Satish Dhawan Space Center. On August 23, it touched down gently on the lunar surface. An indigenous Lander Module (LM), a Propulsion Module (PM), and a Rover make up Chandrayaan-3, which was built with the intention of creating and showcasing new technology needed for interplanetary missions.

The Laser induced breakdown spectroscope instrument :

The ‘Pragyan’ rover of Chandrayaan 3 has an instrument that ‘unambiguously verified’ the presence of sulfur on the lunar surface close to the south pole. There are also traces of other substances, including the following: aluminum (Al), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), titanium (Ti), manganese (Mn), silicon (Si), and oxygen (O). The space agency also stated that efforts are being made to find hydrogen (H).

Later, ISRO published a video of the rover circling in search of a secure path in another tweet. A lander imager camera recorded the spin. It appears as though a youngster is carefreely playing in Chandamama’s yards while a mother adoringly looks on. Is it not? ISRO posted anything on social media.

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